GAU represents nearly
Graduate Employees
at Florida State University
Graduate employees at FSU have been unionized since 2008. We are the only legally recognized collective bargaining agent for GAs at FSU. We seek to improve working conditions and defend the working rights of all. If you are teaching assistant or research assistant, FSU GAU is your voice on campus! The most important thing you can do to protect your rights and the rights of others as an employee of the university is to join today.
Our Union is Under Attack!
What is SB 256 (now Florida Statute § 447.305)?
Because unions are effective at protecting your rights and employment from predatory practices, the Florida legislature is attacking us with union-busting legislation passed in Spring of 2023. Senate Bill 256 requires public sector unions in Florida (except for police, fire, and correctional officer unions) to reach 60% membership or be decertified. Additionally, this bill makes payroll dues deduction illegal. This means we need 60% of almost 3000 GAs to join the union as a member through our new dues collection system or we are at risk of being decertified and losing our contract protections which were won through years of hard work.
What do we stand to lose if we are decertified?
We have been a unionized workforce for nearly 15 years. Since 2008, FSU GAU has been our certified labor union, giving us the ability to directly negotiate our employing contract (known as the Collective Bargaining Agreement) with FSU. We have made massive strides in improving the lives of graduate assistants. We have increased the minimum stipend, negotiated yearly raises, and saved you hundreds in fees every year. GAU is the reason you have guaranteed health insurance. We have filed hundreds of grievances protecting GAs treated unfairly. We are the only entity on campus that has the ability to negotiate with FSU on behalf of all GAs and we have worked tirelessly to improve your working conditions.
None of the benefits of our Collective Bargaining Agreement were willingly given to us. Every protection was fought for by our union. If we lose our union, FSU would no longer be obligated to abide by our contract once it expires.
FSU could:
Take away your healthcare
Forego annual raises or a guaranteed minimum stipend
Charge you the full cost of fees
Charge tuition
What can I do to help?
Become a member today! Dues are only 1% of each of your paychecks, deducted biweekly on pay day. For most GAs, that's less than $10/paycheck. Considering we won a 4% raise and an increase to the minimum stipend in 2023, the benefits of having a union far outweigh the cost. In addition to helping save our union, as a member you receive full contract enforcement services should you need it, access to local and national discounts and benefits through our parent unions, invites to our members-only socials, and a sense of solidarity and peace of mind.
Join our Discord server to receive the most current information on the state of our union, union events, open leadership positions, and current issues at FSU. Our Discord server is also the best place to get in contact with GAU leadership and connect with other GAs in your department! Please feel free to email us for a link or find it in our instagram bio!