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United Faculty of Florida - Florida State University - Graduate Assistants United (UFF-FSU-GAU) represents and advocates for the interests of its members and all GAs at Florida State University.

GAU was founded in 2008 and is the only legally recognized collective bargaining agent for GAs at FSU; we seek to improve working conditions and defend the working rights of all GAs. GAU's first contract was ratified in the Fall of 2009, ensuring that all GAs across the FSU campus receive fair and equitable treatment as students and employees.

Since our first contracted was negotiated in 2009, we have

  • increased the minimum stipend repeatedly,

  • secured across-the-board performance raises,

  • lowered health insurance rates,

  • added vision and dental insurance options,

  • secured Family Medical Leave for all GAs


We continually advocate for the rights of students, as individuals and as groups, through the grievance process.

Message from the President Emeritus

Dear Members and Potential Members,


As Graduate Assistants, we are uniquely situated not only as students but as employees of the university, and GAU is here to represent you in your role as an employee, to advocate for you and to fight to improve conditions on campus for all GA’s.

Each year we bargain with the university to renegotiate critical terms and conditions of your employment, such as the minimum stipend amounts and across the board raises, your health insurance subsidy, and all the other employee rights and protections granted to you through our contract.


The greater our membership, the more bargaining power we have with the university to achieve larger gains for all graduate assistants. We welcome you to also get more involved and consider joining a committee or serving as a department representative to start learning more about the critical work we do.


Your membership also comes with many benefits and protections only allocated to dues paying members, and we hope after you have reviewed our website and spoken with us, you will take the next step to join us, and that you will stand with us moving forward.


Together, we will continue to improve the lives of all GA’s. FSU works because you do!


In Solidarity,

Adela Z. Ghadimi
President Emeritus, UFF-FSU-GAU

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