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What's happening in bargaining?

Bargaining Opened: March 5th, 2023

Bargaining Closed: August 9th, 2023

Want to know more?

Check out the bargaining blog

Attend bargaining sessions

Contact your Bargaining Chair

Message from your Bargaining Chair

Dennis Houlihan

Bargaining is the most direct way to have GA voices directly involved in decisions made at FSU. Every year, GAU opens up the Collective Bargaining Agreement to negotiate with the FSU administration to negotiate issues ranging from stipends to fees, health insurance to workload protections, and more. The collective bargaining process is one of the clearest examples of union power in action. However, the union's power and leverage rely heavily in its bargaining unit's participation. Without members attending bargaining sessions, making impact statements, and stepping up to join the bargaining committee, it becomes more and more difficult to fight for substantial changes. 


Since GAU was founded over a decade ago, the bargaining team has made great strides in the rights and benefits offered to you today. Health insurance went from being a lottery system with no guarantee of coverage to being guaranteed, paid for 80% by FSU, and including dental, vision, and dependent coverage options. The minimum stipend was established through collective bargaining and has been increasing throughout the years, currently sitting at $16,250. We have instituted no-contact remedies for sexual harassment and anonymous reporting procedures where NONE existed before. You now have the right to demand an audit of your work hours and reduce your workload if it goes over the amount specified in your contract. All of this is the result of the power of collective action, and the hard work of our many bargaining teams over the years.


These numerous gains are currently being threatened by the Florida legislative attacks on higher education, LGBTQ+ communities, and public sector unions. We must not let the hard work and progress be in vain, the time of watching from the sidelines is over. If you want FSU to change for the better, you must fight for it - there is no other way! Join the union, attend bargaining sessions, and stand in solidarity with your fellow GAs as we continue to fight.


In solidarity,


Dennis Houlihan

Co-Chief Negotiator and Bargaining Chair

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