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Getting Involved in FSU-GAU

FSU Graduate Assistants United is run entirely by Graduate Assistants for Graduate Assistants! The vast majority of people involved with the union, including our Executive Committee and various committee members, are volunteers who choose to spend time outside of their research and teaching coordinating the day-to-day operations of GAU. This includes creating communications to keep our members informed, managing the budget and financial documents, coordinating with our statewide union and other GAU chapters, negotiating with FSU, recruiting new members, responding to and mediating grievances, and planning rallies and events. All of this is done by about 15 very busy individuals. We can always use more help from our members, so scroll down for more information about the various committees you can get involved with!


Executive Committee

President: Chandler Blount

The Executive Committee (EC) advises the President on the operation of the chapter, confirms the appointment of other committee chairs, and votes on matters of governance. It meets biweekly on Mondays at 6 PM on Zoom, and the meetings are open to all general members! See our calendar for the Zoom information.

Bargaining Committee

Chair: Dennis Houlihan

The Bargaining Committee works under the supervision of the Bargaining Chair to plan and analyze bargaining surveys, attend bargaining trainings, and plan for contract negotiations as needed. As we are not currently negotiating with FSU, Bargaining Committee is not regularly meeting. However, you can read about the recent bargaining efforts here!

Organizing Committee

Chair: Lee Robertson

The Organizing Committee works under the supervision of the Organizing Chair in collaboration with the Vice President of Membership to contact and recruit bargaining unit members into GAU via office visits, town halls, membership drives, and phonebanking; prepare materials for recruitment; attend organizing trainings; and plan events. Organizing Committee meets biweekly at 6 PM on Tuesdays, and the Zoom information can be found on our calendar! More information about how to get involved with the recruitment effort can be found here.

Communications Committee

Chair: Vacant

The Communications Committee works under the supervision of the Communications Chair (we currently have no Chair!) to maintain the FSU-GAU website, produce and design materials for other committees, and publish GAU communications.

Political Action Committee

Chair: Vacant

The Political Action Committee works under the supervision of the Political Action Chair (we currently have no Chair!) to carry out the political agenda of GAU. This includes bridging communication between statewide UFF's legislative agenda and GAU members, influencing legislators to support higher ed labor issues, and advising the chair on potential candidate endorsements.

University Action Committee

Chair: Vacant

The University Action Committee works under the supervision of the University Action Chair (we currently have no Chair!) to maintain relationships between GAU and student leadership organizations at FSU. This includes attending the meetings of other organizations, facilitate communications between GAU and these organizations, and keep GAU EC informed on the political activities and agendas of these organizations.

Diversity Committee

Chair: Shaikh Obaidullah

The Diversity Committee works under the supervision of the Diversity Chair to address issues for International GAs, communicate and work with diversity-focused student organizations on campus, and to attend and promote diversity trainings offered at FSU. The Diversity Committee is currently recruiting members to help with an ongoing project to recruit more International GAs to GAU. Interested members should reach out to us via email!

Interested in getting involved?
Please contact us at!
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