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Every year, anti-union legislation threatens the survival and effectiveness of labor unions like GAU.


We can resist this legislation by growing our membership and making our input heard during Legislative Session. Encourage your fellow GAs to join and keep our seat at the table.

If you want to help keep GAU alive, consider joining our Political Action Committee and harness valuable leadership and policy skills while you help maintin worker's rights in Florida. 

HB 6007, Guns on Campus - 

Not Passed

HB 6007 would have removed existing langauge that barrs firearms from college campuses. This bill was introduced by Representative Sabotini and died in the Criminal Justice Subcommittee on May 3, 2019.

Watch out for this making a comeback in higher education.

HB 25, De-certification of Teacher's Unions - 

Passed 2018

HB 25 was passed in summer 2018, and automatically decertified any public-sector union that failed to achieve 50% dues paying members.

This was a harsh blow to UFF. Thankfully, this bill did not include higher education. But, GAU expects this bill to come back. 

Interested in getting involved?
Please contact us at!
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