Good Morning GAs,
This time is when things get INTERESTING: the administration is going to have to GIVE US THEIR COUNTER-OFFERS.
We have yet to see ANY counter-offers from the university on fees, stipends, international student tuition waivers, health insurance, or discipline. This Friday is when the university responds to US.
Friday, July 10th, 3-5PM is our next bargaining session.
At the last bargaining session, TWENTY-EIGHT of you, our members, showed up. That's incredible! We outnumbered the administration nearly THREE-TO-ONE. We also had THREE Graduate Assistants read impact statements, telling the university exactly how their burdensome policies penalize their workers.
We're still looking for impact statements for our bargaining session this Friday!
If YOU have a story to tell about how the university's fees, health insurance premiums, or lack of tuition waivers have harmed you, send us an e-mail! We are especially looking for Graduate Assistants to speak on the issue of bias in disciplinary practices. Have you ever been disciplined informally through research group reassignments, punitive office space, bad teaching assignments, or otherwise? We want to hear from you!
Can we outnumber the administration FOUR-to-one this Friday? Could we hear FIVE impact statements? The power is in YOUR hands to make this bargaining year one the FSU administration will never forget. We've already started off strong: let's keep this momentum going and earn those raises, fee relief, and lower insurance premiums that we all DESERVE after the work we've put in for the University this past year!
In Solidarity,
Vincenza Antonetta Berardo
Chief Negotiator, UFF-FSU-GAU
Ph.D. Candidate
Philosophy Department
Florida State University