Bargaining Session #15 will be TOMORROW MORNING, TUESDAY, 11/10, 9-11AM. Zoom link below 👇👇
Last week we DOUBLED the number of GAs who turned out at our bargaining session with the University. That is INCREDIBLE, and segues nicely into our number one ask from Friday's session:
#DecadeToDouble, AKA, Raise the minimum stipend to $16,200 this year, which would be DOUBLE our first contract's minimum stipend of $8,100.
A brief history lesson of minimum stipends for you:
The minimum stipend started out at $8,100 when the GAU was first founded a decade ago. Before that, there was NO guaranteed minimum stipend for GAs at FSU! And in 10 years we've made a LOT of progress. That minimum has gone from $8,100 in 2010 to $15,600 in 2020. Now, we're asking the administration to increase the minimum by just $600 more this year to push it over the top to $16,200, or double that original minimum stipend a decade ago.
Last year was the first year since GAU was founded that we did NOT receive a stipend increase that year. The minimum in the 2018-2019 academic year was $15,000, and the minimum in 2019-2020 was $15,000. HOWEVER, we did end bargaining by getting the University to agree that next year (2020-2021, AKA the academic year we're currently in) they would raise the minimum stipend to $15,600. So, TECHNICALLY, the minimum stipend has ALREADY increased this year... but that was won in last year's contract.
You didn't think we were just going to stop fighting there, did you?
In addition to the minimum stipend increase, we asked for a bonus of $1,870 for every GA. Why $1,870? Because it would cover the cost of all your FEES this academic year--fees for facilities that many of you haven't even stepped foot in or utilized since March!
If you want to chip in and do your part, well you can! No down payment required! We are not looking for your money but your STORIES: can you talk about how the fees are TOO HIGH at FSU and they need to pay you BACK for those costs? How you're not utilizing half the stuff your fees pay for this year? Are you at the minimum stipend currently and could REALLY use a PERMANENT $600 increase this year? What would $1,870 mean to YOU before winter break?? Send us your impact statements!! We are approaching the end here, folks, so NOW IS THE TIME to make your voice HEARD. Don't let bargaining end this year feeling like you could have done MORE.
And if you don't want to speak up, you can still support us!
Show up to bargaining (via Zoom! It's easier than ever!)
Forward this email to THREE GA friends of yours.
Peer-pressure at least TWO of your department colleagues to attend bargaining on Friday with you (digitally)!
If you know a friend who has a story to share, forward them this email or ask them to email us at bargaining@fsugau.org!
Share our posts on social media, on your department's discord, facebook, group me, wherever!
It's the beginning of the end, folks. Show up or shut up! Be there or be square! Solidarity or wage disparity!!
In Solidarity,
Vincenza Antonetta Berardo
Chief Negotiator, UFF-FSU-GAU
Ph.D. Candidate
Philosophy Department
Florida State University