Happy Tuesday to you lovely union members!
This Friday, 8/28, from 2-4 PM will be our FIFTH "Impact Bargaining" session, live on Zoom!
We're so close we can almost taste it!
Last Friday the FSU administrationoffered an application process that would allow GAs affected by COVID-19 to apply for an EXTRA YEAR OF FUNDING.
Now, of course that doesn't go far enough. Offering a "process" doesn't guarantee funding for anybody, and it is the strong position of your GAU that every GA employed by FSU this past spring deserves an extra year of funding if they need it. We will need to see a lot more movement from the FSU administration on this key issue before we finally close impact bargaining. Luckily, on almost all other sections of the MOU ("Memorandum of Understanding"), FSU and your GAU have come to an agreement. We are down to our last remaining issues--but naturally, they are the most important ones.
The gains we have already made in impact bargaining are huge. So far the administration has agreed to:
Cover ALL second-year domestic GA's out-of-state tuition and fees next year (2021-2022) if they do not establish residency this year (2020-2021).
Either a) keep the housing GAs in the dorms, even if the students are sent home, or b) if it is necessary to entirely close off the dorms, compensate all housing GAs in cash for the loss of their housing.
Make available at least 2 face masks for all GAs, as well as cleaning supplies
Maintain GA's access to labs and research spaces except in cases where public safety requires closure
Allow GAs to end class if a student refuses to comply with masking/safety protocols, and NOT have this decision negatively affect the GA professionally.
Prevent student evaluations for negatively impacting GAs while working under hybrid/remote/&c. circumstances
Prevent supervisors for negatively evaluating GAs who require scheduling accommodations for dependent care.
...and more!
Now is the time to show up; in fact, this might be your LAST CHANCE to show up for impact bargaining! Want to ensure that YOU are one of the GAs who get that sweet extra year of funding? Well then you better make sure you are THERE and raising your voice in caucus, because this is the final countdown!
Zoom links are below. Looking forward to seeing ALL of you there. Let's pack that ZROOM ("Zoom Room")!
In Solidarity,
Vincenza Antonetta Berardo
Chief Negotiator, UFF-FSU-GAU
Ph.D. Candidate
Philosophy Department
Florida State University
