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Why Labor Unions?

A labor union is a legally certified organization that has the exclusive right to collectively bargain contracts for and file grievances on behalf of a group of employees at a workplace. The contracts are sometimes called “Collective Bargaining Agreements.”

Most importantly, labor unions give workers a voice. FSU has about 3,000 graduate employees. It is not feasible for FSU to pay close attention to all of their individual concerns. Without GAU, many of these concerns would probably go ignored. But thanks to GAU’s legal status as a labor union, when GAU voices concerns on behalf of graduate employees, UF must listen to us! Labor unions also put workers on equal footing with management. When GAU negotiates with FSU administration on issues important to GAs, we’re able to fight directly for the workplace protections we deserve.

​Due to years of stagnant wages, economic recessions, and global pandemics, a pro-union movement is growing in the United States. Workers at Amazon, Starbucks, Apples, and elsewhere are forming unions to protect themselves and their fellow workers.

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